100% of contributions goes directly to the care of our animals.
Your donation may be used to help provide food, supplies, medical care, and other necessary treatments.
Bluemont Sanctuary is a 501 (C)3 Tax Exempt Non-Profit Charity with EIN #85-1805897
All Donations are Tax Deductible
You Can Donate Via PayPal Using the Button Below:
On Venmo @BluemontSanctuary501c3
Zelle: BluemontSanctuary@gmail.com
You can also contact us directly at BluemontSanctuary@gmail.com to discuss other options such as donation by Check or Voluntary Service
Become a Bluemont Sanctuary Sponsor.
Using a 3rd Party Platform Pateron you can become a sponsor of our mission.
Tiers ranging from $3 a month up to $150 a Month.
Set up a custom sponsorship with Bluemont Sanctuary.
Decide to become a sponsor of any animal or group of animals you love at Bluemont Sanctuary
Commit any dollar amount you desire.
To set up a custom sponsorship please email us at :